Scientists Explain: Why People Find Solace in Pets More than Partners

28.06.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

You may have noticed how you or your partner greeted your pet first after a day at work. With what it can be connected?

Why do people prefer pets to other people

People believe that animals are more intuitive. Cats, dogs, horses, and even turtles with lizards can provide emotional support.

Pet owners find support when a pet comes, or lays down next to them.

For many, “talking” to an animal can be support. So furry friends help to relax, remove traces of stress and fatigue, and even speak out.

According to the Mental Health Foundation, pets keep you emotionally healthy and safe.

Photo: Pixabay

Time with your pet can help reduce anxiety levels and increase comfort and self-confidence. After all, a furry friend will not judge you, will not criticize and loves you unconditionally.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource