Spiny Mouse: Interesting Facts

02.10.2023 02:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

They are called spiny for the hair on their backs that resembles small soft needles.

These mice are easily kept at home in a terrarium, bringing a lot of pleasure to their owners.

Under natural conditions, spiny mice are common in Crete, Cyprus, Western Asia, Saudi Arabia and most of Africa.

How long do spiny mice live

With good care and proper maintenance, they live up to 8 years.

Akomis are crepuscular animals and are most active late in the evening and in the first half of the night.


At this time, they run a lot, stomp their paws, spin a wheel, gnaw food or cage bars.

How the spiny mouse sheds its skin

In case of danger, mice can shed their skin, which is 20 times less durable than that of ordinary mice.

A scar does not form at the site of the wound, as is usual in mammals, but complete regeneration occurs.

What to feed spiny mice

In terms of nutrition, spiny mice are unpretentious; their diet is very similar to the diet of rodents such as rats.

The main food for these rodents are various plant food mixtures, seeds, nuts, vegetables, fruits, and herbs.

You can also feed them animal food such as milk, cottage cheese or minced meat.

How to keep akomis

If you decide to have pets such as Akomis, you need to know their characteristics of maintenance and behavior.

Akomis are best suited for a well-ventilated terrarium with devices for hanging drinkers, shelter houses and feeders.

It is difficult to say whether it should be vertical or horizontal: akomis are mobile and love space, but, on the other hand, they are very jumping, so the height of the walls “matters.”

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How long do spiny mice live
  2. How the spiny mouse sheds its skin
  3. What to feed spiny mice
  4. How to keep akomis