Veterinarian's Opinion: Should You Wash Your Cat

03.07.2023 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Cats are naturally clean. They take care of their coat for a long time and with pleasure. In this case, the tongue replaces the cat's comb.

What happens if you don't wash your cat

The pH of human and cat skin is different.

The wrong cleanser can lead to dry skin, dandruff and even sores.

For bathing, you must purchase a special shampoo for cats in advance.

If the pet has fleas, the detergent should be anti-parasitic.

Photo: Pixabay

How to understand that a cat needs to be washed

A pet should be bathed under the following circumstances:

  • severe contamination of the coat, for example, due to an unsuccessful walk;
  • the presence of parasites of the external integument;
  • before exhibitions and competitions;
  • once for a certain period.

How to wash an adult cat

Washing Pour 10-15 cm of warm water into the bath, place the cat in it and thoroughly moisten the area around the neck.

Keep your cat's head dry for as long as possible, because dousing the head is the surest way to piss her off. Talk to her calmly all the time and gently pour water over the cat's body with your palms.

How to bathe a cat without stress

Take it gently in your hands, stroke the fur so that the pet calms down and calms down. Gently and slowly dip the cat into the basin, but first of all, before you start bathing, give time to adapt in the water. Let him pee a little on his own.

Is it possible to wash the paws of a cat

You can wash your paws in the sink under running water. After soaping, the limbs are thoroughly rinsed and dried with a towel. To accustom to washing paws, if regular visits to the street are planned, is necessary from childhood, then an adult animal will calmly endure it.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What happens if you don't wash your cat
  2. How to understand that a cat needs to be washed
  3. How to wash an adult cat
  4. How to bathe a cat without stress
  5. Is it possible to wash the paws of a cat