Why a dog clings to its owner: all the reasons for mysterious behavior

21.02.2024 00:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Dogs often hide and cuddle close to their owner. In this article, we will tell you why animals do this and what it can mean.

Why do dogs cling to their owner

Dogs can put their muzzle on the owner’s lap, bury their nose in it, small breeds feel comfortable in the arms, and some animals simply lie leaning against the owner.

As a rule, this behavior indicates a desire to be as close as possible to the beloved owner.

This is usually a sign that the dog feels comfortable in your company and is confident that you will not harm it.

Nevertheless, sometimes the dog cuddles up to its owner and looks into his eyes.


Most likely, at this moment the dog needs something from you: for example, it is thirsty or wants to go for a walk.

In addition, dogs sometimes cling to their owner because they are nervous or afraid.

This is a demonstration of trust and confidence in your ability to protect the animal.

However, this is also a sign of true love. And also the desire to play, chat or go for a walk.

Previously, we talked about why cats hide.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource