Do I need to fry rice before cooking: a chip you need to know about

06.04.2022 17:15

Rice is a delicious side dish that goes well with various vegetables, as well as meat or fish products.

Cooking porridge is very easy.

However, experienced housewives prefer to fry the grains before cooking. Thanks to this, the dish turns out to be more fragrant and crumbly.

How to fry rice properly

There is nothing complicated here.

First, rinse the rice thoroughly.

Foto: Pixabay

The pan needs to be heated with oil. Then spread the rice in an even layer.

Grains should be fried over low heat so that the product is slightly dried. At the same time, the cereal should be periodically mixed so that the rice does not burn.

As a result, the grains should turn out a little dry and more transparent.

At the same time, you can add salt and spices.

Do not keep rice on fire for more than three minutes.

After that, you can proceed to cooking. If the pan is deep enough, you can pour water into it and continue cooking in it.

Here the proportions of water and cereals are important. It is customary to take two glasses of water for one glass of rice.

Rice is cooked for about 20 minutes under a closed lid.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource