Why put cheese in the freezer for a couple of hours: tips from smart housewives

11.04.2022 13:15

Aged cheese does not keep for a long time. Manufacturers recommend using the finished unpacked product within a week.

If the cheese is stale in the refrigerator, then it begins to lose its taste.

The question arises of what to do with the product if it cannot be consumed at the right time, and sending the product to the trash can is blasphemy.

There is an exit - a freezer. Cheese can be grated and put in the freezer to use in your favorite dishes.

Cheese can be sent for 2 hours in the freezer so that it is well cut and does not crumble.

Foto: Pixabay

How to freeze hard cheese

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater and fold into small bags or containers, parchment paper. Well packaged cheese can keep in the freezer for several months.

Defrost cheese after freezing at room temperature. Use the product for casseroles, sauces, spaghetti, making hot sandwiches.

There are varieties of cheese that are contraindicated in freezing.

This applies to varieties of cream and curd cheeses. Among them are ricotta and feta, mascarpone and brynza.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource