Armeria: How to Grow

12.01.2024 15:38
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Armeria is an unpretentious plant, but in order for it to bloom abundantly, it needs to be fed.

When to sow Armeria

The plant is planted in open soil at the end of autumn, thanks to which the armeria undergoes natural stratification in winter.

Nevertheless, you can sow in the spring, in early March. Sowing of seedlings is carried out at the end of February or at the beginning of March.

The flower reproduces well by self-sowing, so you should carefully monitor the plant in the garden.

Why does Armeria turn yellow

Armeria rarely suffers from pests or diseases. However, if the plant's leaves begin to turn yellow, it may be due to a lack of nutrients in the soil or too much water.


If you find fungal diseases or pests on the plant, you should treat it with the necessary insecticides.

How to water

Armeria should only be watered during drought, as the plant is quite resilient.

It is important to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil. Armeria can be planted in the garden in spring or autumn.

Before planting, about two to three weeks, loosen the soil well and apply fertilizer.

How to feed Armeria

In the spring, during the growing season, apply organic fertilizers.

Feed the armeria with complex mineral fertilizer two to three times during the summer.

The frequency of fertilizing largely depends on the composition of the soil.

Previously, we told you how to grow Arabis.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. When to sow Armeria
  2. Why does Armeria turn yellow
  3. How to water
  4. How to feed Armeria