Basic tools for a small garden: Gardening tips

05.11.2023 01:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

To take care of a small garden, you don't need lots of expensive gardening tools - the basic tools will be enough!

New gardeners often feel confused when choosing the basic items for their gardens, so this article can help them choose the essentials.

Here are a few things that will be enough for taking care of your small garden.

Garden Gloves

These protect your hands while working. They keep dirt and thorns away.

Hand Trowel

It's like a small shovel for digging small holes, transplanting plants, or weeding.

garden tools


Pruners are like scissors for your plants. They help you trim branches, dead leaves, and shape your plants.

Garden Shears

These are larger than pruners and are used for bigger branches or shrubs. They're like big scissors for your garden.

Watering Can or Hose

You need something to water your plants. A watering can is great for small gardens, while a hose works for larger areas.


Rakes help you tidy up your garden by collecting leaves, debris, and spreading soil.


Weeding tools help you remove those pesky, unwanted plants (weeds) that like to invade your garden.


It's like a garden cart on wheels. You can carry soil, plants, or tools more easily with it.

Garden Kneeler

This is a cushioned bench that you can kneel on while gardening. It's good for your knees and back.

Garden Pruner Saw

It's like a small saw for thicker branches. It's handy for cutting branches that pruners can't handle.

Garden Twine

Twine is like a strong string. You can use it to tie up plants, secure vines, or build trellises.

Garden Fork

It's like a big, sturdy fork. You use it for turning over soil and breaking up clumps.


These tools can help you take good care of your small garden. 

They make planting, pruning, and maintaining your green space much more manageable.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Garden Gloves
  2. Hand Trowel
  3. Pruners
  4. Garden Shears
  5. Watering Can or Hose
  6. Rake
  7. Weeder
  8. Wheelbarrow
  9. Garden Kneeler
  10. Garden Pruner Saw
  11. Garden Twine
  12. Garden Fork
  13. Conclusion