Bay Tree: Growing and Care

11.12.2023 14:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Noble laurel is a quite hardy plant; it will be able to grow in moderate light, but it will develop best in bright, mostly diffused light.

The soil

The soil should be light, water- and breathable.

Most often they take a mixture consisting of equal parts of sand, peat and earth.

Laurel responds well to organic and mineral fertilizers: in spring and summer it is fed once every two weeks, in autumn and winter - once a month.

Lighting: Laurel loves bright, diffused light.


Where to grow bay tree

It should be protected from excess scorching sun rays.

The laurel lives most pleasantly in the fresh air - in the courtyard or on a slightly darkened balcony.

How to water a bay tree

In summer you can moisturize it in the shower.

As for watering, from spring the plant must be watered regularly, but moderately.

In autumn, the laurel begins a dormant period: the frequency of watering the tree should be reduced.

In winter, laurel is practically not watered.

Laurel loves moist air and spraying with soft, filtered water.

Especially in the summer when it's warm.

The main thing is not to spray the plant during the peak heat of the day in the sun.

When to trim bay leaves

If you want to control the size of Laurel, you need to do heavy pruning in winter and you can prune to the shape you want.

If the shape is suitable and only minor shaping is required (pruning no more than 1/4 of the total plant size), this can be done in summer or fall.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. The soil
  2. Where to grow bay tree
  3. How to water a bay tree
  4. When to trim bay leaves