If you want to maximize the benefits of your garden, then you need to use more remontant plants.
These plants can \produce flowers multiple times a year, so they can provide better harvest.
Here are a few benefits of using more remontant plants.
Remontant plants offer an extended period for harvesting.
Instead of a one-time harvest, you can enjoy fresh produce or flowers multiple times within the same growing season.
This is especially valuable if you love having a steady supply of your favorite fruits or blooms.
With remontant plants, you can count on a consistent supply of fruits or flowers.
It's like having a "second chance" to harvest more, ensuring you don't run out of your beloved produce.
For gardeners and farmers, remontant plants are space-savers.
Instead of planting new crops each time, they can keep the same plants yielding more produce.
This efficient use of space is practical for those with limited gardening areas.
When you plant remontant varieties, you don't have to wait for the next growing season to enjoy your favorite fruits or flowers again.
The waiting time between harvests is shorter, and you can relish your garden's bounty sooner.
In summary, the remontability of plants offers a range of benefits, from prolonged harvest seasons and consistent supplies to efficient use of space and cost savings.
It's a win-win situation for gardeners, farmers, and those who appreciate a steady flow of fresh produce or beautiful flowers from their gardens.