What natural remedies will help in the fight against slugs: not all summer residents know

24.02.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Slugs are a common problem for those who garden.

In this article, we will talk about effective, natural ways to get rid of slugs.

How slugs harm the garden

The adult pest reaches its peak activity at dusk. Slugs primarily feed on leaves, flowers, shoots and berries that lie on the ground or hang down to it.

They also easily crawl onto the plant itself and gnaw round holes in the center of the leaves and in the skin and pulp of the fruit.

Very often, slugs damage the seedlings of many cultivated plants, especially germinating seeds, seedlings and seedlings of vegetable crops when grown without seedlings.


As a result of such damage, plants usually die and the crops become sparse.

What natural remedies exist to combat slugs

A natural, free slug repellent is crushed eggshells or nut shells scattered around the plants.

Mollusks cannot crawl on such a surface. Slugs avoid leaves of tomato, marjoram, and oregano. Garlic, thyme, and sage also repel them.

In addition, slugs avoid the smell of garlic, so garlic is one of the most effective folk remedies that helps in every case.

You can use both infusion and cloves, which should be placed on the surface of the soil between the beds, or outside near the house.

To get rid of slugs in your garden beds, you can use powdered soda without diluting it with water.

The substance should simply be sprinkled between the beds, or you can also put the powder directly in the tracks of the slugs. Pests cannot stand soda, so they will rush to leave your garden as soon as possible.

The pest is afraid of salt, washing powder, the smell of tobacco, vinegar, and ammonia.

To prepare the solution you will need 1 part ammonia or vinegar and three parts water.

The prepared solution is sprayed onto the pest's habitats.

Previously, we talked about the universal rules for caring for plants.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How slugs harm the garden
  2. What natural remedies exist to combat slugs