How to wash off sticky taint from kitchen cabinets in 5 minutes: the method is as easy as shelling peas

06.04.2022 11:15

No matter how you keep the kitchen clean, during daily cooking, fat scatters around the kitchen and sticks to kitchen facades, even gets inside the cabinets and clogs in the cracks.

To prevent this from happening, do not neglect the inclusion of a kitchen hood.

However, if all the kitchen cabinets are already covered with a sticky coating, you should not grieve either, because you can clean them in just 5 minutes with the simplest means.

The method works even with the dirtiest kitchens, when, for example, from above, kitchen cabinets are so heavily soiled with grease that even dust cannot be wiped off them - it seems that they are smeared as if with glue.

What means to use? You will need any alcohol product, 50-70 ml of dish detergent and a spray bottle.

Foto: Pixabay

Mix the ingredients in a bottle, spray the cabinets from the spray gun and after 5 minutes wipe the dirt with a damp cloth.

The rag should be rinsed under the tap from time to time.

This tool perfectly launders any surface, does not spoil the paint and film.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource