Is it possible to plant an apple tree and a pear next to each other: typical mistakes of gardeners

21.04.2022 14:15

Is a pear a pleasant company for an apple tree and vice versa?

Not every gardener can give the right answer to this question, and many are mistaken, which leads to crop loss.

Can an apple tree and a pear grow side by side in a suburban area

In many garden plots, a pear and an apple tree grow side by side, but this is not the best neighborhood. 

It turns out that the apple tree has a very powerful root system. Its roots will be woven into the roots of the pear and inhibit the development of the tree.

Although there are no direct recommendations that it is impossible to plant a pear with an apple tree. The pear has a positive effect on fruiting. And the chemicals released by its root system stimulate the formation of apples.

Foto: Pixabay

By the way, you can plant a pear and an apple tree at least 4 meters apart. 

With age, the crown of trees increases significantly. Both pear and apple trees require iron to obtain a high yield. If such trees grow nearby, then you need not forget about frequent feeding.

An apple tree will not want to grow next to a peach, cherry, rose, but raspberries will become a good "girlfriend" for it.

The development of the pear tree will be favorably affected by the neighborhood with maple, oak or black poplar.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource