Soak a rag in this mixture and you will wipe the dust twice less: life hack from housewives

24.03.2022 11:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:48

This life hack will help you to wipe the dust on any surfaces twice less.

You can soak any rag with lemon and dust will not appear on the surfaces frequently.

In order to make such a rag you should make the following mixture.

Cut two lemons into two slices, put them into a can and pour 6 spoons of cooking oil.

Close the can with a thick cover and leave it for 5 days.

Foto: Pixabay

Press lemon and shake the can every day in order fruits give more juice.

In 5 days pour a glass of hot water into the can and strain it through the sieve.

Soak your rags in this juice. Then press and dry them.

“Lemon” bags for cleaning are ready. If you wipe any surfaces with these bags, including chairs, tables, furniture and kitchen surfaces, won’t will not notice a layer of dust on them soon.

When the rags don’t smell with lemon, you should repeat the procedure.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource