What foods should not be stored in the freezer: avoid these mistakes

21.06.2024 03:00

Some foods cannot be stored in the freezer.

This will negatively affect their structure and taste.

What foods should not be stored in the freezer

Do not store coffee beans or ground coffee in the freezer.

Some people believe that this extends the shelf life of the coffee, but this is not true.

Freezing takes away almost all the flavor and aroma from coffee.

Photo: © Belnovosti

Therefore, it is best to store coffee either in the refrigerator or at room temperature.

Also, do not store chicken eggs in the freezer.

Do not freeze raw or boiled eggs as this will ruin the structure of the product.

This will also lead to cracks in the shell.

Also, don't freeze fresh vegetables if you want to use it for a salad.

The fact is that they will lose their beautiful appearance. For example, tomatoes and cucumbers.

The texture of defrosted vegetables will not be as firm and crunchy as fresh vegetables.

Frozen vegetables can be used to prepare vegetable stew, and also added to soups and side dishes.

The greens will also lose their texture. For example, green onions, lettuce, cilantro.

You can freeze this to add flavor to the dish and the frozen greens will not be visually noticeable.

For example, this is suitable for making cream soup, smoothies or stews.

Previously, we told you how to properly store ginger.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource