Why add vinegar to the washing machine: worldly trick

14.04.2022 21:15

A washing machine saves a lot of time and energy.

Equipment can last for decades if it is carefully and regularly looked after.

Some experienced housewives know that it is possible to combine high-quality washing and washing-machine care.

To do this, they use ordinary table vinegar.

The fact is that this product perfectly washes stains, makes the fabric softer.

Foto: Pixabay

Especially this tool is often used when washing terry towels, when it is necessary to remove plaque from washing powder, which usually sticks together the villi.

In addition, vinegar perfectly eliminates unpleasant odors from fabrics.

However, what is the use of a washing machine? The tool perfectly gets rid of scale and mold in the drum, and also eliminates specific odors that arise due to the frequent use of detergents.

To do this, pour 200 ml of vinegar into the powder compartment and turn on the washing mode at a temperature of 60 degrees.

After the procedure, you need to put the machine on the rinse mode.

After such cleaning, the drum should be wiped with a dry and clean cloth, and the door should be left for ventilation.

After the first procedure, some people prefer to wipe the drum and seal with a rag, which is pre-moistened in vinegar. Thee equipment must be unplugged from the socket.

Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource