To illuminate the kitchen, you should choose lamps that provide neutral white or warm light.
This is why cheap fluorescent lamps are not suitable for the kitchen.
Most often they shine with a bright but lifeless bluish light.
Such lighting causes a subconscious feeling of anxiety and spoils the appearance of the food.
It is recommended to place the illuminators at a distance of 0.3 meters between them with a distance of 0.2 meters from the walls.
In a small and narrow kitchen, it is optimal to place lighting devices in one line.
In addition, in a larger room - in two or even three lines.
It is possible to group luminaires in the center and above local areas.
It is better to install the brightest lamps in the work area. Consider the effect of LED lighting color temperature on humans.
Neutral and cold (white) light improves performance, while warm (yellowish) light promotes relaxation.
Optimal temperature: neutral 4000 Kelvin.
Previously, we told you how to make your interior more comfortable.