Get rid of cat hair quickly: Housekeeping tips

15.09.2023 23:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Let's imagine that your guests are to arrive soon, and you have no time for a proper house cleaning.

You look at your couch just to see that it's covered in cat hair, and your guests wearing black clothes won't be too happy - so what should you do?

Actually, there are a few tips that you might find handy.

Use a Lint Roller

Get a lint roller from a store or use sticky tape. Roll it over your furniture, and it will pick up the cat hair. 

Roll in one direction, and you'll see the hair come off.


Damp Cloth or Sponge

Slightly dampen a cloth or sponge. Wipe it over your furniture. The moisture helps grab the cat's hair.

Rubber Gloves

Put on rubber gloves. Wet them a bit, then run your hands over the furniture. The cat hair will stick to the gloves.

Brush or Bristle Attachment

If you have a vacuum cleaner with a brush or bristle attachment, use it to vacuum your furniture. It will suck up the hair.

Pet Hair Remover Tool

Some stores sell special pet hair remover tools. These are like brushes that you use on your furniture to collect the hair.

Fabric Softener Spray

Mix a bit of fabric softener with water in a spray bottle. Lightly spray your furniture, then wipe it with a cloth. The softener helps loosen the hair.

Regular Cleaning

Vacuum or dust your furniture regularly. This prevents cat hair from building up too much.


If you have a cat, then it's better to have multiple solutions that can help you get rid of cat hair quickly.

Use them every time before guests, so they won't mind visiting you again and again!

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Use a Lint Roller
  2. Damp Cloth or Sponge
  3. Rubber Gloves
  4. Brush or Bristle Attachment
  5. Pet Hair Remover Tool
  6. Fabric Softener Spray
  7. Regular Cleaning
  8. Conclusion