Housekeeping tips: Furniture varnish cracks – reasons and solutions

13.01.2024 13:40
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Even high-quality furniture can dry out over time, and it can cause furniture varnish cracks.

It doesn't look good, and it's fixable – but it's always easier to prevent the problem than to fix it.

Here are a few reasons why it might happen.

Age and drying

Over time, varnish on furniture can become old and dry out. 

As it dries, it may lose its flexibility and develop cracks.


Temperature and humidity changes

Fluctuations in temperature and humidity can affect the wood underneath the varnish. 

When the wood expands or contracts due to these changes, it can put pressure on the varnish, causing it to crack.

Sunlight exposure

Direct sunlight can be harsh on varnished furniture. 

The UV rays from the sun can break down the varnish and make it more prone to cracking.

Poor application or quality

If the varnish was not applied correctly or if it is of poor quality, it may not adhere well to the wood surface. 
This can lead to cracks and peeling over time.

How to protect it

To prevent varnish from cracking, it's important to take proper care of your furniture.

Keep your furniture away from direct sunlight or use curtains or blinds to protect it.

Maintain a stable indoor environment with consistent temperature and humidity levels.

Avoid exposing the furniture to extreme temperature changes or excessive moisture.

Use high-quality varnish and apply it according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Regularly clean and dust your furniture to keep it in good condition.

Previously, we talked about washing plush toys.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Age and drying
  2. Temperature and humidity changes
  3. Sunlight exposure
  4. Poor application or quality
  5. How to protect it