How to wash curtains properly: Housekeeping tips

14.11.2023 12:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you want your curtains to look amazing and frame your room perfectly, then you have to clean them regularly.

The thing is, different types of fabric need different approaches, so you should be very careful with them.

Here is how you can clean your curtains properly without damaging them.

Read the Care Label

Care labels are like curtain manuals. Check if your curtains have one. It tells you the do's and don'ts of washing.

Deconstruct if Necessary

If your curtains have detachable parts like tie-backs or linings, remove them. It's like taking apart a puzzle before cleaning each piece.


Dust and Vacuum

Before washing, use a soft brush or a vacuum cleaner with a fabric attachment to remove dust. It's like giving your curtains a pre-wash pampering.

Pre-Treat Stains

If there are any stains, spot-treat them before washing. It's like giving extra attention to areas that need it.

Choose the Right Cycle

If machine washing is allowed, select a delicate or gentle cycle. It's like choosing the perfect dance for your curtains in the washing machine.

Use a Gentle Detergent

Pick a mild detergent. Harsh chemicals can be tough on delicate fabrics. It's like choosing a spa treatment for your curtains.

Cold Water Rinse

Use cold water for washing. It's like a refreshing shower for your curtains. Cold water helps preserve the fabric.

Air Dry for Natural Freshness

Whenever possible, air-dry your curtains. Hanging them in the sun is like letting them soak up nature's freshness. 

If you must use a dryer, use a low heat setting to prevent shrinkage.

Iron with Caution

If wrinkles persist, iron the curtains on a low heat setting. It's like giving them a gentle press for a polished look.

Hang with Care

When putting your curtains back up, handle them gently to avoid new wrinkles. It's like giving them a grand entrance to your windows.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Read the Care Label
  2. Deconstruct if Necessary
  3. Dust and Vacuum
  4. Pre-Treat Stains
  5. Choose the Right Cycle
  6. Use a Gentle Detergent
  7. Cold Water Rinse
  8. Air Dry for Natural Freshness
  9. Iron with Caution
  10. Hang with Care