Why you shouldn't use harsh chemicals while cleaning shiny kitchen surfaces: Don't damage your kitchen

13.06.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

When cleaning, lots of people choose harsh cleaning solutions - the stronger, the better.

While they are actually effective, they can also damage your kitchen a lot, and sometimes even affect your health.

Let's find out why you should probably switch to milder cleaning products.

Damage to the surface

Harsh chemicals can be abrasive and corrosive, causing damage to the shiny surfaces in your kitchen. 

They can strip away the protective coatings, scratch the surface, or cause discoloration, leading to a dull and worn-out appearance. 


This is especially true for delicate surfaces like stainless steel, chrome, or polished surfaces.

Health hazards

Many harsh cleaning chemicals contain toxic ingredients that can pose health risks when inhaled or come into contact with the skin. 

These chemicals can irritate the respiratory system, cause skin allergies or sensitivities, and even lead to more serious health issues with prolonged exposure. 

Foul odors and indoor air quality

Strong odors may linger for an extended period and affect the overall indoor air quality, making the kitchen less pleasant to be in. 

Safety for food preparation areas

If you're cleaning shiny surfaces in the kitchen that come into contact with food, it's essential to use safe and non-toxic cleaning methods. 

Harsh chemicals can leave residues that may contaminate food or pose a health risk if ingested. 

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Damage to the surface
  2. Health hazards
  3. Foul odors and indoor air quality
  4. Safety for food preparation areas