Cooking Hack: How to Easily Separate Egg Whites from Yolks

11.05.2023 03:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Separating yolks and whites is a tricky process that is often necessary during cooking, especially desserts. In the article, we have prepared for you simple and effective ways to separate yolks and proteins.

Why separate the eggs

Separation of eggs is usually necessary for the preparation of meringues and biscuits.

The classic biscuit recipe does not include baking powder; however, the biscuit is well loosened during baking.

This effect is achieved with the help of separately whipped proteins.

It is very important to carefully separate the whites from the yolks so that the yolk is not damaged and no part of it gets into the whites.


The yolk is essentially fat, and fat and meringue, by no means are friends.

Therefore, even a drop of yolk that has fallen into the whites will lead to the fact that the whites will not whip.

First way

Prepare two containers: one for the yolks, the other for the proteins. With a fork or the blunt side of a knife, crack the egg

down the middle over the egg white bowl, and carefully separate the shells in half with your hands.

Make sure that the yolk remains in one of them. Pour it from one half of the shell to the other until all the protein drains.

Transfer the clean yolk to a second container.

For this method, choose clean eggs so that dirt from the shell does not get into the food.

Second way

With a blunt part of a knife or a fork, you need to beat the shell in the center of the egg, put the “tool” aside, confidently break the egg into two parts.

Thus, part of the protein immediately falls into the bowl, and the yolk must be held with half the shell.

The easiest is to fold your palm with a boat and pour the contents of the shell into it.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why separate the eggs
  2. First way
  3. Second way