Expert Explanation: What are the types of vanilla

11.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Photo: Pixabay

Vanilla is one of the most popular spices. In the article we will tell you what types are and how they differ.

What is vanilla

More than a hundred types of vanilla are known, of which only three are cultivated for the production of spices: Vanilla planifolia Andrews - gives several cultivated varieties of vanilla of the best quality, with long pods of 20-25 centimeters; Vanilla pompona Schiede - lower quality short pods;

The queen here is Bourbon vanilla, considered the strongest in aroma, has a pleasant fresh-sour notes, it can be used for any purpose. Tahiti - a little weaker, used in cold dishes, but it has a special fruity-floral aroma. Between them is Mexican vanilla with a more tobacco flavor.

What is vanilla absolute

Vanilla absolute (lat. Vanilla planifolia) is obtained from fermented vanilla pods by extraction. Fresh vanilla pods have no flavor or aroma. During a long enzymatic reaction, vanilla acquires a delicate refreshing aroma, a spicy bitter taste and its characteristic brown color.

What is better for baking vanillin or vanilla sugar

For home use, it is better to choose vanilla sugar, it has a more subtle flavor and is easier to use. Vanillin or ethyl vanillin is best used in large enterprises where the dosage of products is strictly controlled, due to its concentration it will be more profitable.

Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What is vanilla
  2. What is vanilla absolute
  3. What is better for baking vanillin or vanilla sugar