Fruits are good for you: A new study on positive effects of fruits on your body

15.09.2023 02:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

We all know that fruits and veggies are healthy - it's a basic information that even children know well.

But this diest can be even more beneficial for your health than you think - and a new study shows it well.

Let's find out more about why you should eat more fruits to stay healthy.

Fruits are actually healthy

A study published in the American Heart Association's journal found that people at risk for heart problems who joined programs that gave them prescriptions for fruits and vegetables ended up eating more of these healthy foods. 

This helped improve their health in various ways.


How it was conducted

In these programs, doctors prescribed fruits and veggies along with medications. 

Participants got special cards or vouchers to get free or discounted fruits and vegetables at stores or farmers' markets. 

The study looked at data from nine different programs across the U.S. 

They checked how people's health changed after about six months of being in these programs.

What they have found

  • Adults ate about one extra cup of fruits and vegetables each day.
  • People with high blood pressure saw their blood pressure drop.
  • For adults with diabetes, their blood sugar levels improved.
  • Adults who were overweight lost a little weight.
  • Both adults and children said they felt healthier.
  • People were less likely to worry about not having enough food.

Why it's important

The study suggests that giving people prescriptions for healthy food can help improve their health, especially for those who don't have easy access to fresh fruits and vegetables. 

The American Heart Association is also working on supporting more research to learn more about the benefits of these food prescription programs.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Fruits are actually healthy
  2. How it was conducted
  3. What they have found
  4. Why it's important