Of the trace elements of lemon, boron, iron, copper, molybdenum, zinc, fluorine, and manganese are most valuable.
The main benefit of lemon is in its fight against colds, as it helps to strengthen the immune system. Lemons also contain iron and potassium.
It also helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, normalize blood pressure and heart function.
This citrus is an excellent prophylactic against colds. It strengthens the immune system, increases the body's resistance.
It is no coincidence that citric acid is often included in the complex of antiviral medicines and other remedies for colds.
Lemon juice can be used in the fight against atherosclerosis and for the prevention of heart disease.
It is widely used in the treatment of tonsillitis and laryngitis, relieves toothache and cough. Externally, lemon juice can be used to treat fungal diseases and painful cramps.
Lemon peel is rich in pectin, which is actually a soluble fiber. It promotes the elimination of toxins and waste from the intestines.
Lemon peel also helps to improve the condition of the large intestine and supports the mucosa, maintaining the balance of the microbiome.
It is not recommended to use lemon for pregnant women, lactating women, children under three years of age and people allergic to citrus fruits. For those who do not have digestive problems, 2-3 slices of lemon per day are enough.
Indeed, lemon contains citrus acid, which is an irritant for the gastric mucosa. If you consume lemon in large quantities, it can lead to the development of gastritis or stomach ulcers.
In addition, the acid in lemon can cause damage to tooth enamel, leading to plaque and cavities.
There is no limit on how many lemons you can eat per day. We recommend, however, not to eat more than 1 lemons a day, as lemon has the ability to irritate the gastric mucosa and can cause stomach problems.