There's no good or bad food: Nutritionist's advice

01.10.2023 10:33
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

When people want to eat healthily, they often find it easier to label some foods as generally "good" or "bad".

While it can help them stick to their healthy diets better (for a while, at least), it doesn't mean that foods themselves can be that good or bad.

Here are a few reasons why you shouldn't label food as good or bad to eat healthily.

Balance Matters

You can enjoy all types of food, but it's essential to have a balance. Eating too much of one thing and too little of others isn't healthy.

Portion Size

It's about how much you eat. Even very healthy foods can be "bad" if you eat huge portions all the time.

chocolate bar

Variety is Key

Eating a variety of foods gives your body different nutrients it needs to stay healthy. So, enjoy different foods in moderation.


How often you eat certain foods matters too. Having a treat now and then is fine, but if it's every day, it might not be so good for your health.

Listen to Your Body

Pay attention to how certain foods make you feel. 

Some foods might make you feel energetic and good, while others might make you feel sluggish. That's important feedback.


Balance is key - so if your body craves something "bad", then eat it - or this food will control your mind for a long time.

It's generally better to keep your diet overall balanced and healthy, and it doesn't matter whether you eat some treats occasionally or not.

Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Balance Matters
  2. Portion Size
  3. Variety is Key
  4. Frequency
  5. Listen to Your Body
  6. Conclusion