Can dogs eat peaches, according to vets

26.06.2024 08:00

Peaches are a delicious summer fruit.

It is important to know which fruits are safe for your pet's health.

Can dogs eat peaches

Peach is a non-toxic fruit for dogs.

It contains nutrients and benefits for dogs.

However, this fruit is not a necessary food in your pet's diet.

Photo: © Belnovosti

You can give your dog a peach as a treat.

Feed your dog a small amount of fruit.

Peaches are good for dogs because of their fiber, which improves digestion.

The fruit also contains antioxidants that strengthen the immune system.

Vitamins A, E and C are beneficial for the health of the visual system, skin and coat.

Vitamin K is beneficial for blood clotting.

How can peaches be dangerous for dogs

Despite the non-toxicity of the peach, the fruit pit is dangerous for the dog.

Before feeding your pet a peach, be sure to remove the pit.

This also poses a risk of suffocation and intestinal blockage.

You should also not feed your dog canned peaches, as they contain sugar and other food additives that are harmful to dogs.

Previously, we told you how to protect your pet from extreme heat.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Can dogs eat peaches
  2. How can peaches be dangerous for dogs