Expert Opinion: How to Understand What a Cat Wants

17.08.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24


In 2021, its creators reported that the AI model achieved 90 percent accuracy in identifying nine different emotional states in meows. These include anger, happiness, hunting, pain, and rest.

How to say hello in cat language

We found such a translation of cat sounds: A few short "meows" - a greeting. One short high meow is an invitation to play.
How to be feline Come here

"Ma-a" in translation from the cat - "come here." Although not the first time, the cat nevertheless understood his master and came to him. There is also a more affectionate phrase to call a cat - "Brrrrr-a."

How to understand that a cat wants to eat

When a cat wants to eat, she will make every effort to get what she wants. Loud and insistent meowing, walking from side to side, checking the bowl and showing excessive affection are sure signals that it's time to feed your pet.

How to understand what a cat meows

Meowing An adult cat meows less frequently than a kitten, but in a very special way. If the tone is low, then she is unhappy or unhappy for some reason. A high tone means a good mood, and if the meow is repeated, it means she wants to get your attention.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to say hello in cat language
  2. How to understand that a cat wants to eat
  3. How to understand what a cat meows