Expert Tips: How to Prepare for Traveling with a Cat

16.05.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

It doesn't matter whether you go on a long journey or not, it is important to properly prepare. We have collected the most important nuances to consider before traveling with a cat.

Get your cat accustomed to the road ahead of time

Any movement causes stress in the animal if it is not used to it.

Start training and familiarizing your pet with carriers, transportation, and other housing.

This is the most important step if you move or travel frequently.

Of course, the best option is not to disturb the animal and leave it, if possible, at home under supervision.


However, if this is not possible, accustom your pet to traveling gradually.

In addition, the car will smell like a cat, which will also cause more comfort and trust in the animal.

Choose a Comfortable Carry

Carrying should be comfortable, comfortable and well ventilated.

In addition, the container must be safe for your pet.

When choosing a carrier for your cat in the store, pay attention to the size and internal design.

Place a blanket, your pet's favorite toys and treats inside the carrier.

Occasionally give your cat treats, to positively reinforce the carrier

Gather everything you need

When traveling with a furry pet, it is also important to take everything you need.

Take all the things you use at home: medicines, pet shampoo, sedatives, toys, tray, and bowls.

Gather a first aid kit with all the basic medicines: disinfection, bandages.

Before you go on a trip, you can plan your activities with your veterinarian.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Get your cat accustomed to the road ahead of time
  2. Choose a Comfortable Carry
  3. Gather everything you need