Helpful Research for Cat Owners: How to Communicate with Your Pet

22.06.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25

Despite the stereotype of cats as independent animals, communication and interaction is just as important to them as it is to you. In the article we will talk about interesting facts about fluffy pets.

How to communicate with your cat correctly

According to 2020 research, you can win your cat over by blinking slowly.

You have probably noticed how your cat blinks slowly with a relaxed face. This means the comfort and joy of the pet. This can be interpreted as a kind of smile.

People are able to copy such facial expressions and blinks to express their affection for the animal just like that or in return.

According to psychologist Humphrey of the University of Sussex, studying the interactions between cats and humans can lead to a better understanding of animals and their social-cognitive abilities.

Photo: Pixabay

Research has shown that cats blink slowly in response to people blinking. This was not observed in loneliness.

In addition, if a person just looked at the cat, and stopped blinking.

However, after the human blinked, the animal was more willing to interact and even moved closer to the outstretched hand.

You can do your own experiment with your cat. Try blinking slowly with a relaxed smile towards your pet. You will probably notice your cat blinking back at you.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource