How to properly punish a dog: fairly and clearly

15.04.2024 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Punishing a dog is an important part of training.

In this article, we will tell you how to properly punish your pet.

How to properly punish a dog

If the pet does not obey, physical punishment is unacceptable. Do not hit the dog under any circumstances.


The best methods for punishing a dog are your voice, gaze, emotions and gestures.

Based on your intonation of voice, the animal will understand everything and feel that it is doing something wrong.

In addition, you can teach your pet the “No” command.

Say this clearly, confidently, with a stern expression on your face, looking the animal in the eyes.

Do not punish your dog if the pet has already stopped the unwanted behavior.

Therefore, the animal will not understand why exactly you are unhappy and will not draw any conclusions.

Therefore, scold your dog only in the process of what you want to wean your pet from.

This will be most effective.

How to stop your dog from barking at inopportune moments

You can stop your dog from barking with the command “Quiet”.

When the dog starts barking, say “Quiet” in a calm, firm voice. Wait until the animal stops barking, even if it just decides to take a breather.

Then praise him and give him a treat.

Never reward a dog while it is barking.

Previously, we told you how to stop a cat from climbing on a table.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to properly punish a dog
  2. How to stop your dog from barking at inopportune moments