Important to Know: How to Monitor Your Dog's Health

15.11.2023 21:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Finnish researchers have concluded that a diet based on unprocessed meat-dominated foods, unconsumed human food scraps and table scraps during puppyhood and adolescence reduces the likelihood of a dog developing chronic enteropathy in later life.

A publication about this appeared in the journal Scientific Reports.

How to tell if your dog has health problems

When an illness occurs, a dog's behavior changes.

It becomes lethargic, lies down more, looks sad, tries to hide in a quiet darkened place, responds reluctantly to calls or, on the contrary, becomes overly excited, constantly moves around the apartment, whines pitifully and is even aggressive.

How to tell if your dog has neurological problems

The most obvious neurological complaints are seizures, loss of coordination and orientation in space, and changes in behavior.


Signs of a neurological disorder can also include involuntary obsessive movements, tremors, so-called manege movements - when the animal walks in a circle and bumps into objects.

How often should you visit the vet

The general health of both cats and dogs should be checked regularly - at least once a year.

It is advisable to examine your pet once every six months, and old and newborn cats and dogs - once every 1-3 months.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. How to tell if your dog has health problems
  2. How to tell if your dog has neurological problems
  3. How often should you visit the vet