Interesting Facts: Which Animals See themselves in the Mirror

17.11.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Diana Reiss, a cognitive psychologist and marine mammal specialist at Hunter College, has conducted experiments on both dolphins and elephants and believes that both show signs of self-recognition in mirrors.

What animals can see themselves in the mirror

It turned out that only large apes - chimpanzees, gorillas, bonobos, and orangutans - recognize themselves in the mirror.

Moreover, in order to understand the situation, it takes them from several minutes to several days. Some individuals cope faster, others slower.

Which animal doesn't recognize itself in the mirror

The simplest way to recognize the presence of a particular type of intellectual ability is the so-called “mirror test”.

Chimpanzees, parrots and killer whales pass it.


But cats or dogs do not recognize themselves in the reflection, which, however, does not give reason to consider them stupid.

What do cats see in the mirror

Experts say that if in humans one of the dominant senses is vision, then in cats hearing and smell predominate.

Therefore, when a cat carefully peers at the reflection in the mirror, it does not realize that it sees itself.

For him, a mirror is an extension of space, and his own reflection is another cat.

How dogs react to the mirror

Watching dogs admiring themselves in the mirror is something we find quite funny.

It's hard not to smile when we see a puppy barking excitedly at its reflection or a dog staring at its own reflection.

These reactions are cute, silly and often downright funny.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What animals can see themselves in the mirror
  2. Which animal doesn't recognize itself in the mirror
  3. What do cats see in the mirror
  4. How dogs react to the mirror