Interesting Facts: Why You Should Get a Cat

27.09.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:23

Scientists from the University of Minnesota have found that being around cats helps reduce the risk of a heart attack by almost a third.

Why you should choose a cat as a pet

The main reason for having a cat in the house is the urgent need for love and attention.

These animals become strongly attached to their owners and show true miracles of loyalty and devotion.

The cat is always happy to see its owner and is ready to communicate.

Cats are excellent companions, including for lonely people.


Their presence can help combat feelings of loneliness and isolation, which can lead to depression, especially in older people.

If you want to improve your health and mental well-being, you should consider getting a cat.

Cats have an amazing ability to relieve anxiety and stress.

Thanks to this, people’s blood pressure returns to normal and blood cholesterol levels decrease.

What is unique about cats

Cats only sweat on the pads of their paws. Cats can make about 100 different sounds - that's ten times more than dogs.

Cats are quite farsighted and see well from a distance of at least 70 cm.

Cats are three times more sensitive to the volume of sounds.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Why you should choose a cat as a pet
  2. What is unique about cats