Useful Tips: How to Befriend a Cat with a Little Puppy

06.06.2023 23:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:25


For the common good, it is important that all residents of the house live in peace and tranquility. Therefore, if you are going to learn how to properly introduce a cat and a puppy, this article is for you.


Stay calm and in control: Keep your dog on a leash and reassure him during the introduction. Be sure to reward your dog for calm behavior. Give the animals enough space, make sure that the dog does not corner the cat.

Behavior rules

  • Surround the four-legged with affection and care, encourage good behavior; strictly suppress any manifestations of aggression;
  • Feed pets from different sides of the same closed door so that the animals feel each other's presence;
  • Keep your dog on a leash while your pets are getting used to socializing.

If the cat reacts aggressively to the puppy, you can scare it off with a spray bottle. With cats, hiss also works well as a regulator.

This is a signal in their language, and cats understand it very well.

How long does it take a cat to get used to a puppy

It will take a long time for the animals to get used to each other's presence. It may take several months. Separate the habitats of the dog and cat. Each of them should always have his own place where he will feel completely safe.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Acquaintance
  2. Behavior rules
  3. How long does it take a cat to get used to a puppy