What cats do while their owner is away: not just sleep

11.04.2024 18:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:26

Cats are extremely mysterious and interesting animals.

In this article, we will tell you what cats do in the absence of their owners.

What do cats do when no one is home

Cats love the company of people and feel best when actively interacting with their owners.

When you leave home, the cat, despite the presence of other animals, may be sad without you.

How long your pet can stay alone depends on its personality.


More sociable and affectionate animals find it more difficult to tolerate even short separation from people.

It's good if there are at least two animals in the house. This way they will still be less lonely without you.

Left alone, cats pay increased attention to objects that their owners usually forbid to touch.

This happens because your pet gets bored when alone.

Shelves with magazines and cosmetics, books, CDs - most likely, your pet will actively sniff and explore as soon as you leave the threshold.

For cats, this is a type of game - they engage in play in your absence.

Cats love to climb high and drop things and watch them fall down.

Therefore, they will find your favorite figurine and break it.

Therefore, it is important to hide fragile things in the house and buy various interesting toys for your pet.

Toys in which treats can be hidden are extremely useful for animals.

This relaxes cats and has a positive effect on the development of intelligence.

Previously, we told you how to determine the health status of a cat by its nose.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource