baking mistakes


If you want to start baking, then you need to know how to deal with yeast - one of the main ingredients of different types of dough. While it's generally easy to work with yeast, a few mistakes can "kill" it, or make it useless.

Kate Yakimchuk baking Cooking 9 July 2023

For some people, cheesecake is one of the easiest cakes to bake, and others still think that it's more like a nightmare. While it's actually not that hard to cook a cheesecake, there are a few things you should do right to get the right taste and texture.

Kate Yakimchuk cheesecake cake cooking mistakes baking Cooking 5 July 2023

Rolls can be a great addition to your everyday menu, because they are comparatively easy to make, and they taste delicious. Meanwhile, if you're new to baking, then you might make a few mistakes that can ruin the dish.

Kate Yakimchuk baking tips cooking mistakes bread Cooking 24 June 2023

While some restaurant-level meals can be very difficult to prepare, regular food preparation is usually easier than baking. Baking can be harder than cooking, so you need to practice more to be successful.

Kate Yakimchuk baking cooking Cooking 22 June 2023

Macarons are pretty popular because of their distinctive flavor and structure, making them very enjoyable to eat. While you can always buy the treat, you can also try cooking it by yourself - but it won't be easy to master.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking mistakes Cooking 20 June 2023

Meringue is a nice dessert that consists of only a few ingredients, so it usually seems that it's easy to cook it. In fact, it's not always the case - you can still make a few mistakes that can ruin the recipe.

Kate Yakimchuk cooking mistakes baking tips dessert Cooking 15 June 2023