Most people who are new to gardening assume that a hot climate is pure heaven for almost all plants. Meanwhile, lots of garden flowers actually prefer mild or even cold climates to thrive.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips flowers weather planting Garden 20 January 2024When taking care of your garden plants, you have to take your local climate into account - it matters a lot! While hot states are perfect for most fruits and vegetables, cold climate can be tough, so you have to put more effort in gardening.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips planting weather seasons Garden 29 December 2023Your local climate plays a huge role in different aspects of gardening, and that's why you should always take it into account. From the varieties you choose to the way you water your plants, climate affects lots of aspects of how you take care of your garden.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips weather gardening plants Garden 13 December 2023Before you choose some plants to grow in your garden, you should learn more about your climate and its features. While a hot climate is usually better for gardening than a cold climate, it can still not be suitable for some plants.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening tips plants gardening weather Garden 13 December 2023If you happen to live in a region with warm winters, then you might consider yourself lucky - there are so many plants you can grow there! This climate is especially beneficial for fruit plants, so if you love growing fruits then you can experiment a lot.
Kate Yakimchuk planting gardening Garden 4 December 2023Climate plays a huge role for gardening - it's one of the most important conditions for every plant to thrive. In the USA, you can find different types of climate, so you can't grow the same plant anywhere in the country.
Kate Yakimchuk gardening growing plants Garden 27 November 2023