Why climate matters: Gardening insights

13.12.2023 11:20
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Your local climate plays a huge role in different aspects of gardening, and that's why you should always take it into account.

From the varieties you choose to the way you water your plants, climate affects lots of aspects of how you take care of your garden.

Here are a few things that can be different for gardeners because of their location and climate.

Temperature's Touch

Different plants have temperature preferences. Pay attention to your region's temperature range and choose plants that align with it. 

This ensures they flourish rather than struggle in extreme conditions.


Rainfall Realities

Know your average rainfall and plan your watering accordingly. 

Adjust watering schedules during dry spells and be cautious of overwatering in consistently rainy climates to prevent root issues.

Sunshine Strategies

Sunlight is crucial, but not all plants crave the same amount. Observe how sunlight falls on your garden throughout the day. 

Plant sun-loving varieties where they receive ample rays and shade-tolerant ones in shadier spots.

Wind Whispers

Consider the prevailing winds in your area. Wind can both dry out and damage plants. 

Strategically place windbreaks or choose sturdy plants that can withstand breezy conditions.

Frost Facts

Frost dates are crucial for planting. Be aware of the average last and first frost dates in your region. 

Planting too early or too late can impact the success of your garden.

Seasonal Sync

Sync your gardening activities with the seasons. 

Planting, pruning, and harvesting at the right times optimize growth and yield, aligning with the natural rhythm dictated by your climate.

Adaptable Plant Picks

Opt for plant varieties known for climate adaptability. 

Native plants or those acclimated to your region are often hardier and better suited to withstand local climate challenges.

Previously, we've talked about growing a bay tree.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Temperature's Touch
  2. Rainfall Realities
  3. Sunshine Strategies
  4. Wind Whispers
  5. Frost Facts
  6. Seasonal Sync
  7. Adaptable Plant Picks