Do I need to wash oatmeal before cooking: what every housewife should know

23.03.2022 11:15
Updated: 26.03.2022 11:48

Oatmeal is a popular "morning" dish. Its advantage is the relative speed of preparation - it will take no more than half an hour to wait.

If we are talking about "fast" flakes, then heat treatment is useless.

However, many housewives are wondering: “Do I need to wash oats?”.

The fact is that with rice and many other cereals, such a procedure should be carried out.

It is possible that a lot of dust and other unnecessary components could get into the product.

Foto: Pixabay

So do you need to wash oatmeal?

Experienced chefs remind that this food product undergoes multiple processing by the manufacturer.

That is why no dirt should remain on the oatmeal.

The presence of dust is not excluded. However, here we are talking, rather, not about the dusty, but about the flour "shell".

If you thoroughly wash the oats, the dish will lose its external “protection” and gluten.

As a result, the porridge will not get a sticky consistency. In addition, there may be problems with the digestion.

Thus, it is not worth washing the oatmeal until the water becomes clean.

In some cases, washing is not enough.

There are a couple of situations when you need to wash oatmeal. First of all, we are talking about the presence of a large amount of husk in the flakes.

It is clearly present in a product that is cheap.

It is desirable to remove this husk. This is easy to do, because they instantly rise to the surface.

In addition, the product should be washed if the gourmet does not want to eat too viscous porridge.

Sergey Tumanov Author: Sergey Tumanov Editor internet resource