Health benefits of a carrot: Nutritionist's opinion about the vegetable

06.05.2024 19:27
Updated: 08.05.2024 22:13

Carrots have long been associated with healthy vision, but their benefits extend far beyond that.

Let’s explore the perks of this elegant root vegetable and how to enjoy it.

Promoting Healthy Vision

Carrots provide 100% of the daily vitamin A target.

Vitamin A acts as a cell-protective antioxidant and may protect against cancer and age-related macular degeneration.

Carotenoids (alpha-carotene and beta-carotene) contribute to vision health.


Lutein and zeaxanthin, other antioxidants in carrots, protect the retina and lens.

Balancing Blood Sugar

Despite their sugar content, carrots have anti-diabetic properties.

Carotenoids may help manage blood sugar levels.

Soluble fiber in carrots regulates blood sugar and insulin after meals.

Raw or slightly cooked carrots have a low glycemic index, providing steady energy.

Weight Management

Carrots are 88% water, making them filling and hydrating.

Enjoy the versatility and health benefits of this humble root veggie.

Previously, we told you why experienced housewives add soda to cutlets.

Belnovosti Author: Belnovosti Editorial office

  1. Promoting Healthy Vision
  2. Balancing Blood Sugar
  3. Weight Management