
boy reading

Children diagnosed with dyslexia exhibit heightened emotional reactivity compared to children without dyslexia. Published in Cortex, the study found that children with dyslexia displayed increased physiological and behavioral responses while watching emotional videos, showing the stronger connection in the brain's salience network, which supports emotion generation and also self-awareness.

Kate Yakimchuk research children emotions Psychology 26 August 2023
kids reading

Dyslexic people might have more issues than just reading problems, a new study claims. New research reveals that children with dyslexia exhibit slower visual processing, shedding light on the broader impact of dyslexia on brain functions beyond reading skills. 

Kate Yakimchuk research children reading Psychology 22 August 2023

When your child is little, you can't always say whether it will or won't have dyslexia, but some new methods can help you predict that. Specialists have found the connection between remembering nonsense words and dyslexia, a new study claims.

Kate Yakimchuk education children research Psychology 12 July 2023