

For most people, Christmas holidays are the time when they don't think about what they eat, or how much they eat - it's relaxation time! Meanwhile, if you don't want to overeat and feel bad, then you should be careful with your diet during holidays.

Kate Yakimchuk holidays christmas food healthy diet nutrition Cooking 23 December 2023

Modern people don't always have time to cook lots of intricate and complex dishes, even when it's Christmas. Luckily, you can have a beautiful Christmas feast quite easily - just choose simple and tasty dishes!

Kate Yakimchuk holidays christmas christmas food cooking ideas Cooking 15 December 2023
thanksgiving feast

When it's holiday time, it's time to feast - but how can you keep your diet healthy these days? In fact, there are plenty of ideas you can use to make your feast healthy and enjoyable for you and your guests.

Kate Yakimchuk food holidays health Cooking 24 November 2023