

Smaller kittens can have fleas, and it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible - but how to do it? Kittens require effective, but also safe methods, so you won't accidentally harm them.

Kate Yakimchuk kittens pet health pests cat health Animals 27 December 2023

Fleas can cause lots of troubles, so it's better to prevent them, because they might not be that easy to get rid of. One of the popular solutions is using anti-flea collars - they are cheap, small, and you can buy them basically everywhere.

Kate Yakimchuk pets collar tips Animals 27 October 2023

People have pets for thousands of years, so the whole flea problem is also extremely old. Nowadays, we have lots of modern effective methods that can help you get rid of fleas, so it's time to stop using non-effective methods of the past.

Kate Yakimchuk pets tips Animals 24 October 2023
stray cat

Fleas can be not only unpleasant, but also quite dangerous - they can make your cat weak, nervous, and constantly stressed. If you notice that your cat has fleas, then it's time to act immediately, so you can save your pet.

Kate Yakimchuk pets cats health Animals 21 October 2023