Sometimes raising a cat can be difficult. We have selected effective methods for you.
Diana Dashkevich facts about cats cats animals and pets Animals 16 June 2024Sometimes it happens that a cat is not able to feed all the kittens for various reasons. In this article, we will tell you what can be done in this case.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats pets facts animal care pet safety Animals 3 May 2024Sometimes cats or male cats may refuse kittens. In this article, we will tell you why this happens.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats pets facts animal care Animals 26 February 2024In this article, we will tell you how to please your cat.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats pets facts animal care Animals 25 February 2024In this article, we will tell you what and how to feed your kitten.
Diana Dashkevich pets pets facts animal care Animals 23 February 2024In this article, we will tell you why kittens may not respond to their name and what can be done about it.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats pets facts animal care Animals 20 February 2024When your cat isn't spayed and likes walking outside, the chances are that she'll get pregnant at some point. If you don't want any kittens, then you might still have some time to prevent this, but you have to act quickly.
Kate Yakimchuk cat health pregnancy signs pets facts Animals 20 January 2024Contrary to a pretty popular belief, cats do not require giving birth to maintain their health. In fact, spaying or neutering cats can bring numerous benefits to their well-being.
Kate Yakimchuk domestic cats pets facts health Animals 15 January 2024People have pets for various reasons – they love animals, they don't want to feel lonely, and they also love to take care of someone. Meanwhile, having a pet cat can be quite beneficial for your mental health as well.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets facts mental health communication Animals 11 January 2024Domestic cats can't always understand whether they should eat some food or not, especially if it smells good. Their bodies often can't naturally digest some products they couldn't get naturally.
Kate Yakimchuk cat health pets nutrition Animals 10 January 2024If you have a kitten, then be ready for scratches on your feet and legs - most kittens attack them! While it's a playful habit, it might also be quite painful and unexpected for some people.
Kate Yakimchuk cats training pet habits aggression Animals 27 December 2023Smaller kittens can have fleas, and it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible - but how to do it? Kittens require effective, but also safe methods, so you won't accidentally harm them.
Kate Yakimchuk fleas pet health pests cat health Animals 27 December 2023A healthy cat's nose should be cool and moist. However, a dry and warm nose does not always signal that something is wrong with the animal.
Diana Dashkevich pets cats pets facts animal care Animals 14 December 2023Like human kids, kittens have baby teeth that later change to permanent teeth, and it usually happens way faster for cats than humans. Meanwhile, it might be still quite inconvenient for your kitten to eat solid food during this period, so it's better to change its diet a bit.
Kate Yakimchuk cat health food tips Animals 1 December 2023Tiny kittens are easy targets for some illnesses, so you should be alert to notice any signs that something might go wrong. In most cases, these signs are quite obvious, but sometimes you should be able to notice behavior changes to stop the illness.
Kate Yakimchuk pets pet health cats cat health Animals 28 November 2023Have you ever wondered how small kittens manage to eat that much while they're so tiny? Their small stomachs seem to be designed to consume only a few tablespoons of milk, but they can eat way, way more.
Kate Yakimchuk pets cats food stomach Animals 9 November 2023Kittens can be quite curious in terms of trying out new food, but it doesn't mean that you should allow them eat whatever they want. Their bodies aren't suitable for digesting lots of things, so you should make sure thair diet is healthy for them.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets food health Animals 7 November 2023Kittens are like little kids - they need plenty of nutrients and vitamins to grow strong and healthy. Most of these things can be found in balanced diets, so be careful with cat food you choose for your pet.
Kate Yakimchuk cats pets health nutrition Animals 6 November 2023