Beautiful Flowers for the Garden: How to Grow Muscari

10.07.2023 15:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Muscari is a bulbous plant with bright purple flowers. The plant resembles small bells, collected in very cute inflorescences.

Where is the best place to plant muscari

Muscari feel good not only in flowerbeds, but also in a container garden, on alpine slides, mixboards, and they can also become part of an artistic composition planted around trees, next to other taller bulbous plants.

The soil

Muscari grows in one place for several years, so plant them next to perennials, which you also will not replant every year. The soil is best loose, fertile and permeable. It is desirable that the site be on a hill and be protected from strong winds.


Muscari are sensitive to watering: during the flowering season they need a lot of moisture, so they can be additionally watered if the spring turned out to be dry or there was little snow in winter, but when the flowering period ends, the plant does not need watering.

How to fertilize muscari

When the soil on which muscari grows does not have good nutrition, it can be enriched with mineral fertilizers. Usually urea is used for this. Fertilizer is used dry. Muscari are hatching from the ground.

Photo: Pixabay

How long do muscari bloom

Flowering begins in early spring and lasts up to three weeks. After that, the aerial part gradually dries up, and it must be cut off. Some varieties re-grow leaves in the fall. Muscari is a frost-resistant crop, little affected by diseases and pests.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. Where is the best place to plant muscari
  2. The soil
  3. Watering
  4. How to fertilize muscari
  5. How long do muscari bloom