Garden tools you need to take care of fruit trees: Make sure you have all you need

09.08.2023 20:50
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:24

Taking care of fruit trees involves a variety of tasks to ensure their health, growth, and productivity. 

Without the proper tools, you can't keep your garden healthy, because maintenance won't be convenient or effective enough.

Here are some essential garden tools you might need for maintaining fruit trees.

Pruning Shears

These small, handheld shears are used for cutting small branches, twigs, and dead growth.


Loppers have longer handles and are designed to cut thicker branches that are out of reach of pruning shears.

garden equipment

Pruning Saw

For larger branches or tougher cuts, a pruning saw can be used to make clean cuts without damaging the tree.


Protective gloves are essential for hand safety while working with thorny or sharp branches.

Hand Trowel

A small hand trowel can be useful for digging around the base of the tree, especially when planting or adding soil amendments.

Tree Stake

Stakes are used to support young or newly planted trees, helping them grow straight and preventing wind damage.

Tree Wrap

Tree wrap or tree guards can protect the trunk from sunscald, pests, and rodents.

Hose and Sprinkler

A garden hose with a sprinkler attachment can provide consistent and even watering to fruit trees.

Soaker Hose

Soaker hoses release water directly into the soil, minimizing water waste and promoting deep root growth.


While not a tool per se, mulch helps retain soil moisture, suppress weeds, and regulate soil temperature. 

A rake or garden fork can be useful for spreading mulch around the base of the tree.

Fertilizer Spreader

For larger orchards or areas with multiple trees, a fertilizer spreader can ensure even distribution of nutrients.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Pruning Shears
  2. Loppers
  3. Pruning Saw
  4. Gloves
  5. Hand Trowel
  6. Tree Stake
  7. Tree Wrap
  8. Hose and Sprinkler
  9. Soaker Hose
  10. Mulch
  11. Fertilizer Spreader