Gardening Secrets: How to Grow Cucumbers

12.10.2023 13:00
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

Cucumbers can be planted horizontally or vertically. Since this is a heat-loving plant, it is recommended to choose a place for planting that is well-lit, warm, and protected from the cold wind.

If the bed is located from north to south, the sun will illuminate it all day.

What do cucumbers like

Cucumbers love spacious sunny areas with fertile soil rich in organic matter.

The most favorable watering for this crop is moderate in the evening with warm water.

How to plant cucumbers outdoors

Make furrows two to four cm deep in the soil at a distance of 70 cm from each other.


The furrows should be moistened and filled with seeds at a distance of 5–10 cm.

Now sprinkle the seeds with soil and plant the area.

After planting, it is worth installing supports along the bed - this will make harvesting easier.

When to pinch cucumbers

Pinching begins with the appearance of 6-7 leaves on the main stem.

The task is to remove the lower shoots and blind the flowers in the first 4 internodes.

The lower leaves are still needed.

The plant should be well developed, more than 2 weeks have passed since rooting.

How long does it take from flower to cucumber

Flowering in early ripening varieties begins 30-35 days after emergence, in late varieties - 35-45 days.

Diana Dashkevich Author: Diana Dashkevich Editor internet resource

  1. What do cucumbers like
  2. How to plant cucumbers outdoors
  3. When to pinch cucumbers
  4. How long does it take from flower to cucumber