Getting Rid Of Hornets: Gardening Tips

24.12.2023 17:30
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:21

Not only pests, but also other insects can become a huge problem in your garden.

For instance, wasps or hornets can be quite aggressive and dangerous, so you have to get rid of them quickly.

Here are a few tips on how to do it safely.


Pay attention to the areas where you see hornets. 

This will help you understand their behavior and locate their nests.


Protective Clothing

Wear protective clothing, such as long sleeves, pants, closed-toe shoes, and a hat, to shield yourself from potential stings.

Locate the Nest

Find the hornets' nest. Look for a papery structure, usually attached to a tree, bush, or under eaves. 

Be cautious and keep a safe distance.

Nighttime Approach

Wait until nighttime when most hornets are inside the nest. They are less active and less likely to sting. 

It's easier to remove or treat the nest during this time.

Choose a Method

You can use one of two methods to eliminate the nest.

Using a hornet spray, carefully target the entrance of the nest. 

Follow the instructions on the spray can. Retreat to a safe distance once you've sprayed it.

If you prefer a non-chemical approach, wear thick gloves and place a large plastic bag over the nest. 

Cut it from the branch or structure and seal it tightly. Dispose of the bag in a sealed garbage bin.

Clean the Area

After removing the nest, clean up any fallen debris or remaining hornets. 

This will prevent new hornets from rebuilding in the same spot.

Preventive Measures

Seal any cracks or openings in your home, such as gaps around windows, doors, or vents, to prevent hornets from entering.

Ensure your garbage cans have tight-fitting lids, as hornets are attracted to food waste.

Keep your garden tidy by regularly trimming bushes, trees, and shrubs. 

Remove any decaying wood or fallen fruit, as hornets are attracted to these.

Recently, we talked about growing jasmine.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Observe
  2. Protective Clothing
  3. Locate the Nest
  4. Nighttime Approach
  5. Choose a Method
  6. Clean the Area
  7. Preventive Measures