Growing rare and exotic fruit trees: Gardening tips

30.11.2023 04:10
Updated: 13.05.2024 21:22

If you're tired of growing apples and peaches, then you can always try growing something more exotic in your garden.

There are plenty of amazing options to choose from, especially if you live in a suitable type of climate.

Here are a few ideas you can try growing in your garden.

Dragon Fruit

This fruit has a vibrant appearance with its bright pink or yellow skin and unique, scaly texture. 

It has a mild, refreshing flavor and is rich in antioxidants.


Kiwano (Horned Melon)

With its spiky orange skin and juicy lime-green flesh, the kiwano is a tropical fruit that tastes like a mix of cucumber, banana, and kiwi. 

It adds an exotic touch to your garden.


Native to North America, the pawpaw tree produces delicious, custard-like fruits with a tropical flavor similar to bananas and mangoes. 

They are best grown in temperate regions.


These fruits have a beautiful orange color and a sweet, honey-like taste. 

They can be eaten fresh or used in various recipes like jams, desserts, and baked goods.


This Brazilian fruit grows directly on the trunk of the tree, resembling clusters of grapes. 

It has a sweet and tangy flavor, making it a unique addition to your garden.


Also known as pineapple guava, feijoa has a distinctive flavor reminiscent of pineapple, guava, and mint. 

The tree produces aromatic fruits that can be eaten raw or used in desserts and beverages.


Known as the "custard apple," cherimoya has a creamy texture and a tropical flavor profile with hints of banana, pineapple, and strawberry. 

It's a delightful treat straight from your garden.


This citrus fruit originates from East Asia and has a fragrant aroma and tangy flavor. 

It is often used in cooking, especially in dressings, marinades, and desserts.

Kate Yakimchuk Author: Kate Yakimchuk Editor internet resource

  1. Dragon Fruit
  2. Kiwano (Horned Melon)
  3. Pawpaw
  4. Persimmon
  5. Jabuticaba
  6. Feijoa
  7. Cherimoya
  8. Yuzu